Decluttering 101: How We'll Help You Live Your Best Life in the New Year

I think we all know how clutter can affect and dictate our moods. Cluttered countertops,

toys on the floor, clothes covering the bed and dressers-- it’s stressful when things don’t

have a place or aren’t put away. Spoiler alert: you may simply have too much stuff. The

first couple months of the year are the perfect time to start decluttering. Let’s get rid of

the old and bring in the new (space! Not more things- ha!). Read on for my tips for a

fresh start and a clean slate in the new year.

Tip #1: Schedule Your Sorting in Small Blocks of Time

Decluttering your entire home is a very large project. Trying to do everything all at once

is going to cause serious overwhelm and burnout. I promise. This sort of project

requires smaller steps to achieve a bigger goal. My suggestion: start with time blocking

1-3 hours and stay in one room, or even one area. Set a timer and stay put. Be proud of

yourself for dedicating the time to do this!

Tip #2: Don’t Succumb to Sentimental Sticking Points

Let’s talk about letting go of sentimental items. I often hear from individuals inquiring

about our services about how we guide clients through decluttering things that hold

meaning. I have the same answer every time: I will never make you get rid of something

that is meaningful to you. There truly are material things in life that make us feel joy,

safety, and happiness when we see them, and I do believe those items are important to

keep. When it’s time to decide for yourself if something is worth keeping- ask yourself

the questions we like to ask our clients: why are you keeping this item? How do you

want to store this item so that you can see it/find it/enjoy it? Is it the item itself or is there

a memory attached? If so, would taking a photo of the item be a way to reduce physical

clutter, while still holding on to the memory? After considering these questions, we can

usually narrow down which items actually hold these emotions for us, and the ones that

we maybe realize we can let go. Lastly, sometimes it’s OK to hold on to certain items

(especially our sentimental items) a little bit longer if we aren’t ready to let go yet.

Tip #3: Partner Up for Extra Purging Accountability

Accountability is key. This could be a spouse, partner, friend, parent, sibling, or even a

professional organizer! ;) Decluttering is just like any goal we set. If we have someone

counting on us, we are more likely to do the thing. I joined a book club for this same

reason. I wanted to read more, so I got together with a group of people who would keep

me accountable. Partnering up with someone to reach a decluttering goal might mean

you help each other out literally, like working together in your home then going to hers!

Or it could mean picking one room or space each week or month and stay motivated

together while working in your own home. Set aside the time, discuss your progress,

and celebrate your successes.

Tip #4: Reassess Often & Repeat the Process Regularly

Organizing is not a one-and-done process. Especially initially. Once you get started you

will find it gets easier to let things go the more you flex your decluttering muscle. You

may need multiple rounds of decluttering before you hit your stride. I promise it gets

easier! You got this!

Happiest New Year to you, dear reader. If you have decided to declutter this year, please know of my support! This is something that will quite literally change all areas of your life for the better. It just may be the best thing you do for yourself this year. I know it because I’ve seen the “before” and “afters”- not just of the spaces we’ve organized, but the change that happens in the way our clients carry themselves. It feels so good! And if you feel like this task might be a little too daunting to start on your own-- we are here for you.

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Alexi Nichols